martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

TV dates for Comet Awards 2010 - VIVA


Comet 2010 - gala
21. 05. 2010 → 20:00 h [live]
22. 05. 2010 → 14:00 h
23. 05. 2010 → 17:00 h
24. 05. 2010 → 13:00 h
26. 05. 2010 → 22:30 h
27. 05. 2010 → 16:00 h
Planet VIVA Special - The nominees for 2010
21. 05. 2010 → 10:00-11:00 h
Get the clip - Best of COMET Stars
20. 05. 2010 → 18:00-19:00 h
VIVA Live! - Live in Oberhausen
21. 05. 2010 → 15:0016:00 h
Comet 2010 Backstage
29. 05. 2010 → 22:00-23:00 h
30. 05. 2010 → 16:00-17:00 h

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